How to display error message brackets text editor
How to display error message brackets text editor

how to display error message brackets text editor

This is because there is still an uncorrected error on the screen. Notice also, when you click the Submit button, the form is not submitted.

  • Click anywhere on the screen an error should be displayed.
  • In the Customer Info screen, enter a customer name whose length is greater than the maximum length specified on the control custom property.
  • Deploy the compiled rulebase within the Web Determinations instance and restart the server.
  • We have now completed our template modifications. this function validates the input string's length against a maxLengthįunction validateStrLength (input, maxLength) $maxStrLength #parse("includes/javascript-utilities.vm") # These includes need to be present if a "form" HTML element will be present (e.g. It cancels submission if there are still dynamic errors on the screen.
  • allowSubmit() - this function is called during the onSubmit event of the form.
  • validateStrLength (input, maxLength) - this function validates the length of an input control string against a maxLength value passed from the control's custom property.
  • This is where we will add all of our Javascript functions: This template contains the ** tag of the rendered HTML page. \WEB-INF\classes\templates\question_screen.vm We will modify each of these to achieve our desired customization. Information on Oracle Web Determinations templates can be found in the Oracle Web Determinations Template Reference Guide.Ī question screen, is usually composed of several sub-templates, but in this example, we will just focus on the three templates shown in the illustration below question_screen.vm, form.vm and TextInputControl.vm. It is recommended you be familiar with the question screen, form and text input control templates in order to have a good understanding of the modifications that will be discussed below.

    how to display error message brackets text editor

    The goal of this task is to retrieve the control custom property value and subsequently process it to dynamically validate the "the customer's name" input control value. The next task is to modify some Oracle Web Determinations templates. InputTextMaxLengthMessage =Character length of the input should be less than or equal to Had the rulebase been using several locales, we could add the translated error messages to each locale-specific file - this would enable the localized message to be displayed when the interview is associated to a specific locale. Since the rulebase is just using the English locale, we only need to add the error message in \WEB-INF\classes\configuration\ To do this, we will set the error message inside the files. We will configure the error message in such a way that can be localized. We are now ready to customize the Velocity templates.

  • That's all the rulebase modifications we need.
  • On the same view, go back to the Common tab and set the Read-Only attribute of the control to editable.
  • Once inside the Question Screen editor, click on Custom Properties tab and set the value of the custom property.
  • how to display error message brackets text editor

    Open the screens file and click on the customer_name: What is the customer's name? input control.To set the control property, do the following: In this example, we will validate input string length of the "the customer's name" against what is set in this property. As seen in the screenshot above, the "Max String Length" custom property has a default value of "0".

    how to display error message brackets text editor

    Add new Number Control Custom Property Go to File -> Project Properties -> Custom Property Definitions -> Control.In Oracle Policy Modeling, open the BonusFlightEligibility rulebase project located in \examples\rulebases\source\BonusFlightEligibility.We will define and set a custom property to allow a text input control to be validate for maximum length. Construct the example: Modify the rulebase exampleįirst, we need to modify the BonusFlightEligibility rulebase. This example demonstrates how a control value entered by the user, can be dynamically validated and allow its error message to be displayed on the screen.

    #How to display error message brackets text editor how to#

    Example - How to dynamically display an error message for a control Example - Dynamically display an error message for a control

    How to display error message brackets text editor